C'è una canzone che gira ultimamente per radio, che decisamente ti si pianta in testa con quella sua struttura così insolita: un ritmo sostenuto nell'intro che invece di esplodere, implode in una marcia lentissima e dalla melodia tutt'altro che scontata e, aggiungeremmo, difficilissima da cantare. Trattasi di "We Are Young" di Fun, band idie rock new yorkese di cui, francamente, prima di questo exploit da hit parade, ignoravamo l'esistenza (e voi?).
Il video di questa canzone ricalca il ritmo lento del ritornello, è girato tutto in slow motion e sarebbe interessante capire com'è che il labiale del cantante, nelle strofe, è in sync.
There's a song playing on radios lately, that gets stuck in your mind with its unusual pattern: a fast tempo in the opening that slows down to a march with an unexpected and very difficult to sing melody. We are talking about "We Are Young" by Fun, a new yorker indie rock band that we honestly had never heard of before this outbreak in hit parades worldwide (had you?).
The music video goes along with the slow rythm of the refrain, since it's a slow motion sequence of the band playing, and the question is: how did they make the singer's lips match the video?
There's a song playing on radios lately, that gets stuck in your mind with its unusual pattern: a fast tempo in the opening that slows down to a march with an unexpected and very difficult to sing melody. We are talking about "We Are Young" by Fun, a new yorker indie rock band that we honestly had never heard of before this outbreak in hit parades worldwide (had you?).
The music video goes along with the slow rythm of the refrain, since it's a slow motion sequence of the band playing, and the question is: how did they make the singer's lips match the video?
Il regista di questo video (e di circa un paio d'altre centinaia) si chiama Marc Klasfeld e ha diretto videoclip per una serie di star della musica fra cui Katie Perry, Avril Lavigne, Red Hot Chilli Peppers e Foo Fighters. Oltre ai videoclip, per i quali è stato più volte nominato agli MTV Video Music Awards, ha diretto una campagna per ESPN e spot per altri marchi che tuttavia non devono essere stati memorabili, visto che non siamo state in grado di trovarli da nessuna parte. La vena comica di questo regista è palese già nel video di Fun, ma si manifesta anche meglio in altri, tipo quello di Katie Perry, o nella campagna per ESPN, l'unica che abbia pubblicato nel suo canale YouTube.
The director is Marc Klasfeld who has directed about two hundred videos for stars such as Katie Perry, Avril Lavigne, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Foo Fighters. He's been nominated several times at the MTV Music Awards but he's also a documetaries, features, and commercials director, although we have been able to find only the ESPN campaign on the web. His skills for comedy are clearly represented in Fun's video, but are even better displayed in Katie Perry's "Friday Night" and in the ESPN campaign.
The director is Marc Klasfeld who has directed about two hundred videos for stars such as Katie Perry, Avril Lavigne, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Foo Fighters. He's been nominated several times at the MTV Music Awards but he's also a documetaries, features, and commercials director, although we have been able to find only the ESPN campaign on the web. His skills for comedy are clearly represented in Fun's video, but are even better displayed in Katie Perry's "Friday Night" and in the ESPN campaign.
E poi c'è un video come quello dei Red Hot Chili Peppers, che se ne va tutto da un'altra parte.
But there's also a video like this, a whole different story.
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