Gli spot che coinvolgono i bambini possono essere di una tenerezza tale da farci piangere come fontane davanti al televisore (e a coinquilini e familiari allibiti), ma altrettanto facilmente ci possono irritare e persino offendere, in certi casi limite. Si ha come l'impressione, in molti casi, che chi ha scritto quegli spot abbia visto raramente un bambino vero, che ci abbia avuto quasi mai niente a che fare e che categoricamente non ne abbia MAI sentito parlare uno.
Ci sono bambini che parlano come adulti cerebrolesi, altri che si atteggiano a piccoli adulti ammiccanti ai limiti della pornografia, e soprattutto, ci sono quadretti stereotipati in cui non si intravede un'idea neanche a pagarla.
Da qualche giorno è in onda una pubblicità Kinder Gran Sorpresa che ci ha piacevolmente stupiti. Dati gli abissi di noia in cui ci ha calati la comunicazione Ferrero degli ultimi anni a suon di testimonial sportivi con una dizione inascoltabile, questo piccolo film diretto da Mona El Mansouri, ci ha fatto intravedere la luce in fondo al tunnel (con riserva, però).
L'agenzia che ha realizzato il film è Providence, di Surenes, parte del gruppo Havas, che si occuperà della comunicazione Ferrero in tutti i paesi "latini", avendo vinto la gara a fine 2011. E caliamo un velo pietoso sul fatto che una delle poche floride aziende multinazionali italiane, esca dal Bel Paese conquistata da idee d'oltralpe (senza offesa per i francesi, ci mancherebbe).
Commercials involving kids can be so touching, they can easily make us cry in front of the tv (and of astonished flatmates and family members), as much as they can be irritating and even insulting. Sometimes we get the impression people who write those scripts have hardly ever seen a real child, supposedly haven't had the chance to realate to one, and doubtless have NEVER heard one talk.
We hear children talk like dumb adults, we see others acting like saucy adults bordering on pornography, and most of all, we see no original ideas, only clichés.
A commercial for Kinder Gran Sorpresa directed by Mona El Mansouri, aired last week, has surprised us, though. Rising from the abyss of boredom Kinder communication had lowered us down to during the past years, this little film has made us see the light at the end of the tunnel (with reservations).
The agency responsible for the campaign is Providence, part of the Havs group and based in Surenes, France, winner of the Ferrero bid at the end of 2011 and taking care of the communication of the brand in countries of southern Europe. Let's draw a veil over the fact that an Italian, robust, multinational company has been won over by foreign ideas, taking out of Italy their advertising budget.
L'agenzia che ha realizzato il film è Providence, di Surenes, parte del gruppo Havas, che si occuperà della comunicazione Ferrero in tutti i paesi "latini", avendo vinto la gara a fine 2011. E caliamo un velo pietoso sul fatto che una delle poche floride aziende multinazionali italiane, esca dal Bel Paese conquistata da idee d'oltralpe (senza offesa per i francesi, ci mancherebbe).
Commercials involving kids can be so touching, they can easily make us cry in front of the tv (and of astonished flatmates and family members), as much as they can be irritating and even insulting. Sometimes we get the impression people who write those scripts have hardly ever seen a real child, supposedly haven't had the chance to realate to one, and doubtless have NEVER heard one talk.
We hear children talk like dumb adults, we see others acting like saucy adults bordering on pornography, and most of all, we see no original ideas, only clichés.
A commercial for Kinder Gran Sorpresa directed by Mona El Mansouri, aired last week, has surprised us, though. Rising from the abyss of boredom Kinder communication had lowered us down to during the past years, this little film has made us see the light at the end of the tunnel (with reservations).
The agency responsible for the campaign is Providence, part of the Havs group and based in Surenes, France, winner of the Ferrero bid at the end of 2011 and taking care of the communication of the brand in countries of southern Europe. Let's draw a veil over the fact that an Italian, robust, multinational company has been won over by foreign ideas, taking out of Italy their advertising budget.
Certo se solo al quadretto gradevole dei bimbi che aspettano di vedere crescere il loro uovo fosse stato dedicato un po' più del 50% dello spot, il film sarebbe passato da un 6+ ad un 8 pieno. Che noia quegli ultimi 15 secondi di moine genitoriali: chissenefrega dei genitori! Guardate che alle mamme ed ai papà fa molto più effetto contemplare pargoli immersi nel loro mondo di fantasia, piuttosto che essere messi di fronte a modelli stereotipati ed irrealistici di se stessi. E idem dicasi per zie, nonne e parentame vario, insomma: per il vostro target intero. Fateci vedere le vostre meravigliose soprese, deliziateci con dettagli lussuriosi sul vostro stranoto cioccolato, sappiamo che è per voi esigenza imprescindibile, ma risparmiateci almeno questi quadretti patetici: di fronte ad un uovo di cioccolato da aprire, non c'è seienne al mondo che sprechi attimi preziosi a sbaciucchiarsi con la mamma ed il papà sul divano!
Giusto per dare a questo spot la giusta collocazione all'interno del repertorio Kinder, vi vogliamo mostrare il meglio in assoluto che abbia prodotto la comunicazione di questo marchio, grazie all'immenso Philippe André. Il peggio lo potete vedere tranquillamente in onda, o nelle mille parodie su You Tube (poveri Alex, Valentina, Fiona e Licia....!).
If only we could have enjoyed those kids waiting fro their eggs to grow up for a bit more than the 50% of the commercial, the film would have won an B+, rather than a C-. How boring are those 15 seconds of cuddling and coaxing: who cares about the parents! Moms and Dads are fascinated by the imaginary world of the little ones, rather than by a stereotyped misrepresentation of themselves. And so are aunts and grandparents, in other words: so is the rest of your target. Let you show us your marvellous surprises, tease us with macro-details on your ultra-famous chocolate, we know you can't help it, but please, spear us the pathetic family picture. By the way: there are no six year olds in the world who would waste time cuddling up against their moms in front of an Easter Egg to tear apart!
We would like to give you the opportuninty to place this commercial in the right spot of Kinder commercials' library, so let us show you what we consider to be the best communication ever, directed by Philippe André. You can easily find the worst just by watching Italian television, or the web, where those commercials have won a huge number of parodies.
If only we could have enjoyed those kids waiting fro their eggs to grow up for a bit more than the 50% of the commercial, the film would have won an B+, rather than a C-. How boring are those 15 seconds of cuddling and coaxing: who cares about the parents! Moms and Dads are fascinated by the imaginary world of the little ones, rather than by a stereotyped misrepresentation of themselves. And so are aunts and grandparents, in other words: so is the rest of your target. Let you show us your marvellous surprises, tease us with macro-details on your ultra-famous chocolate, we know you can't help it, but please, spear us the pathetic family picture. By the way: there are no six year olds in the world who would waste time cuddling up against their moms in front of an Easter Egg to tear apart!
We would like to give you the opportuninty to place this commercial in the right spot of Kinder commercials' library, so let us show you what we consider to be the best communication ever, directed by Philippe André. You can easily find the worst just by watching Italian television, or the web, where those commercials have won a huge number of parodies.
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