Sarà un caso, sarà che la vogliamo vedere così, ma se i secondi anni '00 sono stati, in pubblicità, l'era delle immagini (stiamo pensando ai Bravia per esempio), i primi anni '10 ci sembrano essere decisamente all'insegna delle parole.
Forse ne abbiamo bisogno di queste parole, tutti quanti. Forse è tempo di riflessioni, e persino la pubblicità, quella di buona qualità, sceglie di scavare nel profondo, di sdoganare i marchi con messaggi "utili".
Forse ne abbiamo bisogno di queste parole, tutti quanti. Forse è tempo di riflessioni, e persino la pubblicità, quella di buona qualità, sceglie di scavare nel profondo, di sdoganare i marchi con messaggi "utili".
Dentro la stessa newletter di Shots, abbiamo trovato due facce di una stessa medaglia. Una ci ha emozionato, l'altra ci ha fatto ridere. Da una parte c'è la campagna Puma Social 2012 che ci dice di non sprecare il tempo a guardare le vite degli altri in tv, ma di andare fuori, di notte, fino all'alba e viverla con gli amici, i compagni di squadra, persone vere. Basta coi cacciatori di fama, i maleducati, i cattivi maestri della tv spazzatura. E' finito il tempo di nani e ballerine, persino in Italia (ma lo sarà davvero?...). Il film è poetico e denso di comunicazione: un sound design impeccabile, una voce intensa e vera (giuro che se in Italia la doppiate con una Felletti qualsiasi -senza offesa per la Felletti, sia chiaro- mi incateno davanti a Sipra in segno di protesta!), una musica di pochissime note che tengono sospesa la melodia insieme all'emozione. E il regista è l'immenso Fredrik Bond. Non vorremmo dire altro, lui si merita un post tutto suo, che arriverà presto, promesso. Un genio assoluto della macchina da presa e del racconto. L'agenzia e Droga5 NY, la casa di produzione MJZ.
Maybe it's just a coincindece, or maybe we simply need to believe it, but if late '00's have been the "images era" in advertising (let's think of Bravia, for instance), early '10's seem to be definitely words oriented.
Maybe we do need words. Maybe it's time to think, and even advertising, the good one, chooses to dig deep and to put "useful" messages alongside of brands to make them stand out.
We've found both sides of the coin in the same Shots newletter. One side was touching, the other one was funny. On one side there's the Puma Social campaign 2012, telling us not to waste time watching other people's lives lived on tv, to go out and live our owns, untill the sun rises and to live with our friends, our teammates, with the real people. Enough with fame hunters, cheaters and back stubbers reality stars. Enough with reality tv and reality bad role models. That time is over, even in Italy (isn't it?).
The film is poethic and communicates on so many different levels: the impeccable sound design, the poignant voice over (if you'll dubb this in Italy with a speaker I swear I'll chain myself to the agency's fences in protest!), a music made of such few notes, keeping the suspence as they vibrate high. Director of the film is the tremendous Fredrik Bond. We won't say anything more about him, because he deserves a post of his own and we promise it's coming soon.
He's a genius of the camera and of story telling. Agency is Droga5 NY, production company is MJZ.
Maybe it's just a coincindece, or maybe we simply need to believe it, but if late '00's have been the "images era" in advertising (let's think of Bravia, for instance), early '10's seem to be definitely words oriented.
Maybe we do need words. Maybe it's time to think, and even advertising, the good one, chooses to dig deep and to put "useful" messages alongside of brands to make them stand out.
We've found both sides of the coin in the same Shots newletter. One side was touching, the other one was funny. On one side there's the Puma Social campaign 2012, telling us not to waste time watching other people's lives lived on tv, to go out and live our owns, untill the sun rises and to live with our friends, our teammates, with the real people. Enough with fame hunters, cheaters and back stubbers reality stars. Enough with reality tv and reality bad role models. That time is over, even in Italy (isn't it?).
The film is poethic and communicates on so many different levels: the impeccable sound design, the poignant voice over (if you'll dubb this in Italy with a speaker I swear I'll chain myself to the agency's fences in protest!), a music made of such few notes, keeping the suspence as they vibrate high. Director of the film is the tremendous Fredrik Bond. We won't say anything more about him, because he deserves a post of his own and we promise it's coming soon.
He's a genius of the camera and of story telling. Agency is Droga5 NY, production company is MJZ.
Dall'altra parte il Neanderthal della situazione: sciocco, sovrappeso, teledipendente e neanche la moglie lo regge più. Certo ci fa ridere. Ah, ah....
Questo spot per la tv-station Dish, lo dirige Matt Aselton. Non so se a lui dedicheremo un post, ma se vi va, andate a vedere cos'altro combina.
L'agenzia è BFC9000 NY.
On the other side there's a Neanderthal: dumb, fat, tv adict, even his wife doesn't stand him anymore. Oh he makes us laugh. Ah, ah....
This commercial for Dish TV's DCR, is directed by Matt Aselton. We probably won't be writing an entire post about him, so if you wish, help yourself to his showreel (it's linked).
The agency is BFC9000 NY.
L'agenzia è BFC9000 NY.
On the other side there's a Neanderthal: dumb, fat, tv adict, even his wife doesn't stand him anymore. Oh he makes us laugh. Ah, ah....
This commercial for Dish TV's DCR, is directed by Matt Aselton. We probably won't be writing an entire post about him, so if you wish, help yourself to his showreel (it's linked).
The agency is BFC9000 NY.
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